The difference
we make
Because we use evaluation and learning data to continuously measure the impact of all our programmes, we know we’re delivering a service that helps young people achieve their goals. We’re proud of our proven track record of engaging and empowering a diverse cohort of hard to reach young people with complex emotional wellbeing needs.
Of young people achieve positive change towards their emotional wellbeing goals. 95% report increased confidence.
Young people have gained qualifications while with us, validating their progress and boosting their life confidence.
Of referrers noticed positive changes when the young people they work with took part in our groups.


Rigorous data collection
Personalised wellbeing goals, standardised measures and qualitative feedback give us crucial data.

Young people’s voices
We seek and value young people’s feedback, using it to co-produce new ideas that meet their needs.

Practice-based evidence
Outcome and evaluation data helps us refine what really works and share learnings with sector peers.
Get Back Up
Get Back Up is an inspiring music video produced by a group of young people from our Southwark Connect project. The young people had complete creative freedom to make the video, coming up with everything from the initial concept to the beats and lyrics. It gives a great insight into their stories and experiences with the project.