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Dr. Kathy Adcock


Dr Kathy Adcock is In Your Corner’s Founder, a HCPC registered Clinical Psychologist (PYL23854), boxer and England Boxing accredited Boxing Coach. She is a fellow of the School for Social Entrepreneurs and award-winning social entrepreneur. 


Since completing her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in 2009, Kathy worked in NHS CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and in specialist teams for children who are looked after, or have experienced maltreatment or trauma, most recently as a Clinical Service Manager within a North London Local Authority.


She is passionate about co-creating and delivering services that socially excluded young people find both engaging and accessible, so that they can recognise and support their own emotional wellbeing. Kathy first found boxing via a commercial gym, where a boxing coach invited her to join an amateur boxing club. She jumped on the invitation and has never looked back, starting boxing and later gaining her coaching accreditation.

Kathy has clinical and research interests in use of physical activity, groups, and community psychology methods in working with relational trauma and increasing emotional wellbeing. She provides a small therapy service for child and family clients, and offers clinical supervision, training, and consultation to clinical psychologists and other professionals.

If you are interested in accessing these services, please contact us.

Follow Kathy on Twitter.

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